Establishing regenerative seaweed farming at scale

Greenwave Aotearoa has proven ourselves over a three-year pilot as uniquely positioned to lead the sustainable growth of Aotearoa New Zealand’s seaweed industry. Leveraging the knowledge, experience and financial backing gained over this period and previous years of dedicated focus on the seaweed aquaculture industry, we are primed to lead a high value seaweed sector that brings multiple spinoffs to other New Zealand industries.

Greenwave Aotearoa is paving the way for New Zealand’s regenerative ocean farming sector using the native brown seaweed Ecklonia radiata as a fundamental crop

The regenerative ocean farming model involves the co-cultivation of compatible zero-input marine species like mussels and seaweed that will create additional revenue streams for farmers while generating positive environmental outcomes before the crop is harvested. At the heart of this approach are profitable independent local marine farmers that build economic and social resilience for coastal communities.

We are building the knowledge, skills and opportunities to establish an end-to-end supply chain, provide quality seaweed seedling via a commercial hatchery, and pathways to higher value markets in seaweed products.


Follow our growth

December 2024

Mid 2023 - end 2024

Stage 3:
Refine farming logistics and model assumptions at scale. Involves structured trials for hatchery best practices and farming technique validation.

October 2022

First outplanting at scale of hatchery grown Ecklonia radiata seaweed.

Mid 2022 - mid 2023

Stage 2:
Optimise hatchery conditions, outplanting logistics and determine the best time to outplant. Involved hatchery production of seaweed, testing seasonality of deployments, testing line types, monitoring yield and tissue uptake of nutrients along with other environmental benefits.

August 2021 - mid 2022

Stage 1:
Establish the best farm line configuration. Involved translocating over 200 wild seaweed plants onto horizontal and vertical lines, as a result we learned we could use the mussel infrastructure.

Mid 2020 - mid 2021

Secured funding and partnerships to implement the pilot.

Early - mid 2020

Developed a detailed investment case to support the establishment of regenerative ocean farming in New Zealand.  The investment case also identified that a multi-year pilot to confirm productivity (and therefore financial viability) of seaweed farming was a required first step.

Mid-late 2019

Feasibility study exploring whether the GreenWave model could work in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Early 2019

Greenwave Aotearoa Pilot Project ends.

EnviroStrat connected with GreenWave and started a discussion about how to adapt its model for Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Join us as we grow seaweed to be a catalyst for economic, environmental,
social, and cultural benefits to local communities nationwide.

Previous pilot project work highlights

Greenwave Aotearoa is adapting seaweed farming best practice for Aotearoa New Zealand’s local species and conditions.
To achieve this, our work programme covers hatchery and seeding protocols, farm designs, and harvesting and post-harvesting logistics.

An example of seaweed hatchery where seaweed is propagated on vertical tubes in a controlled environment


We have two hatchery operations, one in Tauranga run by the University of Waikato and the other in the Coromandel run by Premium Seas. We are testing different seeding methods and environmental conditions to identify optimal hatchery conditions. We are also developing standardised hatchery protocols to consistently produce densely seeded spools and successfully maintain these in the hatchery until the point of outplanting.

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Te Kouma's Sugarloaf boat ramp situated on the southern side of Coromandel Harbour

Pathways to Nature Finance

We are developing a Regenerative Ocean Fund which will report on environmental and social impacts and provide a pathway for philanthropic, seed and investment funding to go towards blue economy development.

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A team member measures growth of the seaweed to track progress

Impact Framework

We've collaborated with our Iwi partners to create an impact framework that integrates Matauranga (Māori knowledge). Our mission is to not only revolutionize seaweed supply chains in Aotearoa New Zealand but also to maximize the positive effects of regenerative ocean farming (environmental, social, economic, and cultural) along the entire value chain.

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Image showing a split view with the top half above water, displaying the Premium Seas vessel and crew, and the bottom half underwater, revealing the seaweed being cultivated.


Outplanting is taking place on existing consented aquaculture farm sites, Esk Point, Pōnui and Wilson’s Bay, in the Hauraki Gulf. We are experimenting with the different elements of outplanting activity to continue to refine our on-farm practices, including introducing automation in the outplanting process. 

We are considering the influence of different environmental factors, farm structures and growing substrates on growth rates and impacts of seaweed farming on nutrient uptake from the environment, biodiversity and carbon sequestration.

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A boat provides a tour of Greenwave Aotearoa's seaweed farming operations

Community Outreach

We highly value opportunities to meet with, share and learn from our community. We are increasingly integrating community outreach into our work programme. This includes opportunities for education programmes, field trips, engagement with iwi and tamariki, fundraising and sponsorship.

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Lucas Evans of Premium Seas assessing seaweed growth

Farmer Support Network

We are dedicated to supporting seaweed farmers. In the future that will include comprehensive training manuals covering everything from site selection to farming techniques, and hands-on, personalised training to provide practical guidance. Through our partnership with GreenWave in the USA, farmers will be able to access their comprehensive online community. We are also exploring innovative financial support pathways to help farmers sustain their livelihoods through seaweed cultivation.

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